At Allerton High, our core purpose is ‘enabling young people to achieve success.’ We wantallstudents to achieve the best they can, become independent learners and acquire the skills and qualities they will need to be successful in an ever-changing world. We want them to feel valued and to be happy and confident. We work in close partnership with our community, parents/carers and governors to achieve this ideal and to deliver what we consider to be a first class education.
We value: hard work, kindness, perseverance, aspiration, service to others, courtesy, honesty and tolerance. As such, we ask all members of our community to: Be Kind, Work Hard, Challenge Yourself.
We are:
inclusive as we do not select our intake and work equally hard for all our students
ambitious because we always want the best for everyone in our community
collaborative as we recognise that our partners make us stronger.
We enable young people to achieve success by:
having high expectations of everyone
establishing a culture where everyone matters
ensuring teaching and learning is high quality, varied and engaging
developing individual talent and potential
providing opportunities for all students to develop their ICT, numeracy, literacy and communication skills
developing key skills for learning; teamwork, independence, exploration and reflection
promoting the importance of strong emotional health and wellbeing
recognising and celebrating success
nurturing a feeling of pride in the school
developing enterprise capabilities and preparing students for the world of work
ensuring that the teaching and learning environment is welcoming and safe
We aim to develop Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural awareness and promote British Values by:
ensuring lessons are set in a context which is meaningful and appropriate to a student’s age, ability and background
providing varied and meaningful personal development activities which allow students to reflect upon and discuss their beliefs, feelings and responses to their personal experiences
helping students to develop an understanding of their individual and group identities by becoming good citizens in a local, national and international context
ensuring students develop an understanding of their social and cultural environment, especially an appreciation of the many faiths and cultures which enrich our school
encouraging students to manage their own behaviour and relationships, show mutual respect and understand the importance of honesty and truth in all walks of life
encouraging students to lead a healthy lifestyle
Students in the sixth form say that they are well supported pastorally and that they feel safe.
Students in the sixth form benefit from strong teaching and high-quality pastoral support.
…there is now an effective programme of intervention and support for students who are at risk of underachievement.
As a result of high-quality teaching and the broader experiences to which they are exposed, students are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage in their education.
Students identified teaching as the strength of the sixth form. Teachers’ subject knowledge is excellent.
Student achievement is outstanding. They reach high levels of attainment. Students have high expectations of themselves.
The curriculum in the sixth form offers students support in applying to university or moving into employment.
Allerton High School
King Lane, Leeds
West Yorkshire LS17 7AG