As part of the Enhancement Programme students will participate in a dynamic Personal Development programme including Employability Skills, University preparation and a range of speakers from different careers; students also have the opportunity to follow additional accredited courses which range from Arts Award Gold, Duke of Edinburgh Award, NCS to LLS Coaching.
We promote industry and business challenges and students participate in competitions locally and nationally such as LEAP. Students involve themselves in voluntary work and the wider community and have raised thousands of pounds for charitable causes. They are also encouraged to access a range of opportunities to work towards achieving the nationally recognised V50 and V100 awards for volunteering.
Involvement in the programme ensures all students have opportunities to develop:
Independence of mind and thought
Sense of responsibility
Effective study management
…there is now an effective programme of intervention and support for students who are at risk of underachievement.
Student achievement is outstanding. They reach high levels of attainment. Students have high expectations of themselves.
Students identified teaching as the strength of the sixth form. Teachers’ subject knowledge is excellent.
The curriculum in the sixth form offers students support in applying to university or moving into employment.
Students in the sixth form say that they are well supported pastorally and that they feel safe.
Students in the sixth form benefit from strong teaching and high-quality pastoral support.
As a result of high-quality teaching and the broader experiences to which they are exposed, students are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage in their education.
Allerton High School
King Lane, Leeds
West Yorkshire LS17 7AG