All students follow the National Curriculum for Mathematics and have the opportunity to use and develop a variety of skills in Number, Algebra, Measures and Statistics. We have an interleaving approach to delivering Mathematics; several topics are revisited and built on throughout Years 7 – 9 in order to help students retain key concepts and deepen their understanding. Our differentiated and challenging schemes of work are designed to encourage students to be resilient learners who are not afraid to make mistakes.
How is the course assessed?
Students will sit a baseline assessment when they arrive in Year 7. We then place students into one of three or four sets (depending on the student’s band). We set students by ability using the baseline assessment results, Key Stage 2 data and our professional judgement.
Throughout years 7-9 students will sit one assessment per half term. Assessments primarily cover topics learnt that half term as well as revisiting topics learnt previously. At the end of the year, students will sit two assessments (one calculator paper and one non-calculator paper).
Sets are adjusted on a termly basis based on both assessment data and progress in lessons. We will always make set change decisions with the best interest of the student in mind, and so, we politely ask that you trust us when changes are made.
Homework and learning beyound the classroom:
Lessons include purple challenge questions in order to develop thinking and problem solving skills. Our half-termly ‘Puzzle Lessons’ give students the opportunity to enrich their Mathematical understanding by working through structured problems either independently, in pairs or via group work.
We offer the following extra-curricular activities after school:
KS3 Maths Drop-In Tuesdays 3pm-4pm (Available to anybody who needs extra help in Maths or for anybody who would like to come along and do more Maths after school!)
Rubik’s/Puzzle Club on Thursdays 3pm-4pm
Maths Challenge Club on Wednesdays 3pm-4pm
UKMT Junior Maths Challenge (by invitation only)
Maths Trips (by invitation only)
Parents can help by making sure students bring the correct equipment to every maths lesson:
at least one black and one red pen
a maths geometry set (pencil, ruler, protractor, compasses, rubber)
a scientific calculator (we recommend you purchase the Casio fx-85 through Parent Pay)
The headteacher is exceptional. Her leadership has transformed the school. Not only do pupils make phenomenal progress and reach high standards...
Behaviour around the building is orderly and sensible. Within classrooms, behaviour is excellent.
Pupils show excellent attitudes to learning./ There is a thirst for knowledge and an excitement about lessons.
Parents, staff and pupils are overwhelmingly happy with the quality of education at school and rightly so. Inspectors judge that this is an outstanding place to learn.
Allerton High is a harmonious community. Pupils show high levels of respect towards other pupils and with adults in school. Pupils actively support each other and celebrate differences.
The school’s mission is to ‘enable young people to achieve success’. It does this outstandingly well.
The school now has a history of outstanding outcomes for its pupils. Pupils make sustained progress across the curriculum and the standards that they reach are high.
Leaders know their school well. They work relentlessly to make their school even better. They are highly effective in improving standards of provision.
Allerton High School
King Lane, Leeds
West Yorkshire LS17 7AG