GCSE Music


The Eduqas GCSE in Music offers a broad and coherent course of study which encourages learners to:

  • Engage actively in the process of music study
  • Develop performing skills individually and in groups to communicate musically with fluency and control of the resources used
  • Develop composing skills to organise musical ideas and make use of appropriate resources
  • Recognise links between the integrated activities of performing, composing and appraising and how this informs the development of music
  • Broaden musical experience and interests, develop imagination and foster creativity
  • Develop knowledge, understanding and skills needed to communicate effectively as musicians
  • Develop awareness of a variety of instruments, styles and approaches to performing and composing
  • Develop awareness of music technologies and their use in the creation and presentation of music
  • Recognise contrasting genres, styles and traditions of music, and develop some awareness of musical chronology
  • Develop as effective and independent learners with enquiring minds
  • Reflect upon and evaluate their own and others’ music
  • Engage with and appreciate the diverse heritage of music, in order to promote personal, social, intellectual and cultural development.

The Eduqas music GCSE course encourages an integrated approach to the three distinct disciplines of performing, composing and appraising through four interrelated areas of study. The four areas of study are designed to develop knowledge and understanding of music through the study of a variety of genres and styles in a wider context. The Western Classical Tradition forms the basis of Musical Forms and Devices (area of study 1), and learners should take the opportunity to explore these forms and devices further in the other three areas of study. Music for Ensemble (area of study 2) allows learners to look more closely at texture and sonority. Film Music (area of study 3) and Popular Music (area of study 4) provide an opportunity to look at contrasting styles and genres of music.

How is the course examined?


Component 1: Performing 30% Teacher assessed

A minimum of two pieces, lasting a total of 4-6 minutes, recorded in the year of assessment:

  • One piece must be an ensemble (group piece) lasting at least one minute
  • One piece linked to an Area of Study(see below)
  • Grade 3 music is the standard level and can score full marks if played perfectly
  • You can use any instrument or voice, or choose a technology option.

Component 2: Composing 30% Teacher assessed

Two pieces:

  • One in response to a brief set by Eduqas – there are 4 to choose from each year
  • One free composition – ANY style you want to write in.

Component 3: Appraising 40% Externally assessed examination Listening examination:

8 questions, 2 on each area of study

  • AoS 1 Musical Forms and Devices (including a set work*)
  • AoS 2 Music for Ensemble
  • AoS 3 Film Music
  • AoS 4 Popular Music (including a set work*)

*A set work is a piece of music which everybody has to learn about. There is one short classical piece and one Rock/pop song. You can learn to play/sing parts of them to help you learn the details.


How is the course graded?

The course is graded with GCSE grades 1 to 9.


School equipment is available for students to use, but having your own instrument is extremely beneficial.

Most resources will be provided, but here are some useful publications:

  • GCSE WJEC/Eduqas Music Complete Revision & Practice (CGP)
  • WJEC/Eduqas GCSE Music (Revised Edition) (Illuminate Publishing)
  • WJEC/Eduqas GCSE Music (Revised Edition) Revision Guide (Illuminate Publishing)


Specific homework tasks will be set every week, but there is an expectation that students will be continually doing personal practice on their instrument/voice and will also be carrying out wider listening to broaden their knowledge of the various styles/genres of music studied.


Learning outside of the classroom

Currently, we are able offer tuition in the following areas: all woodwind instruments, piano/keyboard, drumkit, guitar/bass guitar, strings, brass and voice. Specialist tutors visit school every week to give these lessons where they will prepare students for performances and exams.


Extra-curricular activities are available at various times in the Music Department. These include AHS Singers, Samba Band, Concert Band, Jam Session and Theory club, plus the opportunity to be involved in a whole school production. The department is open most breaks, lunchtimes and after school for students to make use of the facilities.

KS3 Music

KS5 Music

Allerton High School
King Lane, Leeds
West Yorkshire LS17 7AG
ssat ssat Leading Edge Healthy Schools Ofsted