How do I log in to Operoo?

New students and their parent / carers will recieve an email from Operoo containing their login details. If you have recently joined the School and have not recieved your Operoo login details please check your spam emails. Emails will be sent to the email address that is registetered with the School. If you need to update your contact information, or need your login details resending please contact the School Office.    

To log in to Operoo go to https://operoo.com/ and click 'Login'.

If you are a student and have forgotten your login details please come to the accounts office.

If you are a parent / carer and have forgotten your login details:

  • Go to Operoo https://operoo.com/ and click 'Login'.
  • If you have forgotten your password you can reset it by clicking 'Forgot password?'. 
  • If you have forgotten your username you can click 'Resend Confirmation email' and your username will be emailed to you.

Please note: Emails from Operoo should arrive within a few minutes. If they do not arrive please check your spam emails. Emails will be sent to the email address that is registetered with the School. If you need to update your contact information, please contact the School Office.    

How do I update medical information in Operoo?

Operoo have created a step by step user guide showing you how to update medical information. It is available on the Operoo website https://support.operoo.com/hc/en-us/articles/16214426688404-How-does-a-User-add-and-edit-Medical-Conditions-Community-Edition

How do I log in to Class Charts?

New students and their parent / carers will recieve an email containing a Class Charts access code. If you have recently joined the School and have not recieved your access code please check your spam emails. Emails will be sent to the email address that is registetered with the School. If you need to update your contact information, or need your access code resending please contact the School Office. 

To log in to Class Charts go to https://www.classcharts.com and click 'Login'. If you are a parent / carer click parent, if you are a student click student. 

If you are a student and have forgotten your login details please come to the accounts office.

If you are a parent / carer and have forgotten your login details:

  • Go to Class Charts  https://www.classcharts.com and click 'Login', and then click parent. 
  • If you have forgotten your password you can reset it by clicking 'Forgot password?'. 
  • Your username is your email address. 

Please note: Emails from Class Charts should arrive within a few minutes. If they do not arrive please check your spam emails. Emails will be sent to the email address that is registetered with the School. If you need to update your contact information, please contact the School Office.    

How do I log in to School Gateway?

To log in to School Gateway go to https://schoolgateway.co.uk and click 'Login'.

If you are a new user click 'new user' and enter your email address and phone number. Click send pin. You should receive a text message within a few minutes containing a pin number. 

If you are an existing user enter your email address and pin number, then click login. If you have forgotten your pin click 'Forgotten your PIN?"

Please note: Text messages from School Gateway should arrive within a few minutes. If they do not arrive please check that you have entered the email address and mobile number that is registetered with the School. If you need to update your contact information, please contact the School Office.  

I need help with School Gateway.

School Gateway have lots of useful user guides on their website https://parent-support.parentpaygroup.com/hc/en-gb/categories/4407704072081 https://parent-support.parentpaygroup.com/hc/en-gb/categories/4407690692369

If you need additonal help, please contact the School Office. 

How do I log in to Parent Pay?

The parent / carers of new students will recieve an email from School containing their Parent Pay login details. If you have not recieved your Parent Pay login details please check your spam emails. Emails will be sent to the email address that is registetered with the School. If you need to update your contact information, or need your login details resending please contact the School Office.    

To log in to Parent Pay go to https://www.parentpay.com and click 'For Parents', then click 'Parent Login'.

If you have forgotten your login details:

  • Go to Parent Pay https://www.parentpay.com and click 'For Parents', then click 'Parent Login'.
  • If you have forgotten your password you can reset it by clicking 'Forgotten your password?'. 
  • Your username is your email address.

Please note: Emails from Parent Pay should arrive within a few minutes. If they do not arrive please check your spam emails. Emails will be sent to the email address that is registetered with the School. If you need to update your contact information, please contact the School Office.    

I need help with Parent Pay.

Parent Pay have lots of useful user guides on their website https://parent-support.parentpaygroup.com/hc/en-gb/categories/4407704072081

If you need additonal help, please contact the School Office. 

Allerton High School
King Lane, Leeds
West Yorkshire LS17 7AG
ssat ssat Leading Edge Healthy Schools Ofsted