Extended Project Qualification

Please note: The EPQ is offered as an additional qualification to students once they have settled into year 12.


Introduction - why chose this subject?

The Extended Project Qualification is an exciting additional qualification which can be studied alongside a student’s programme of three other Level 3 subjects and is the equivalent of half an A Level. It is used to enhance their curriculum experience, support university aspirations and provide an avenue to pursue a project on a subject of their choosing.


The qualification allows students to lead their own projects based on an area of personal interest (linked to career aspirations, hobbies, or related, even entirely unrelated, to their studies). Students have complete freedom over the topic they choose but are guided by a dedicated project supervisor.

Much like a university dissertation, students then:

• draft a research question/title and aims for the project to be formally approved by their supervisor

• plan, research and carry out the project (5000-word essay, artefact or production)

• deliver a short presentation to a small audience of subject non-specialists

• provide evidence of all stages of project development and production for assessment in a research diary called the production log.


The EPQ is beneficial for students who wish to study at university after sixth from, this is because they will learn important academic skills such as referencing, evaluating sources, critical thinking, written communication and presentation skills. These skills are highly valued by universities; many universities will use the EPQ as a way to select students for offers of a place and some will even give students a reduced entry requirement if students complete an EPQ!


As well as this, students may choose to study an EPQ to allow them to continue studying something they are passionate about or expand their knowledge outside of their Level 3 studies.

How is the course examined?

This course is 100% coursework with no exam.


The individual project (essay, artefact or production), the production log, and the presentation are marked internally to give an overall mark (out of 50) and these are externally moderated.


The assessment objectives for this qualification are:

  • Manage resources 20%
  • Use resources 20%
  • Develop and Realise 40%
  • Review 20%


There are no specialist equipment requirements.

Students may find a notebook helpful to keep research ideas and notes

Homework and learning outside the classroom

Students will complete significant research and drafting of their project outside of the classroom

They will also meet with their supervisor regularly to discuss the progress of their project

There may be opportunities to visit local libraries and host academic talks on study skills

Allerton High School
King Lane, Leeds
West Yorkshire LS17 7AG
ssat ssat Leading Edge Healthy Schools Ofsted