This qualification isn’t just about caring for babies or the elderly and the ill; it will provide you with the skills, knowledge and understanding to progress to university on a health and social care-related programme such as Social Care, Nursing, Social Work or Early Childhood Studies.
The course will give you an understanding of health and social care in the wider contexts of different environments and settings where care takes place, the importance of effective communication in health and social care, the importance of legislation in health and social care and how to deliver a person-centred approach care. You will also develop transferable skills such as communication, research, planning and organisation.
Taking the Extended Certificate alongside other vocational or academic qualifications would allow learners to study health and social care, or another related sector, in higher education or further study. Many students progress to university degrees and onto apprenticeships in varied fields such as NHS careers and in education.
Course overview
How is the course examined?
The Health and Social Care grade is based on 60% exam and 40% coursework.
Students will take six units made up of mandatory and optional units. Everybody will study the following mandatory units:
Building positive relationships in health and social care (Coursework)
Equality, diversity and rights in health and social care (Exam)
Health, safety and security in health and social care (Exam)
Anatomy and physiology for health and social care (Exam)
Current additional units:
10. Nutritional for Health (Coursework)
13. Sexual health, reproduction and child development (Coursework)
Units 1-3 are undertaken in the first year of study, with units 4, 10 & 13 completed in the second year.
Exams are taken in January with an option to resit units in the summer if students wish to improve their grade.
2 x Lever arch folders, dividers and plastic wallets
A4 note book/paper, highlighters
Whiteboard and pen
Course textbook - Cambridge Technical Level 3 Health and Social Care Paperback – 30 Sept. 2016 by Maria Ferreiro Peteiro (Author), Judith Adams (Author), Mary Riley (Author).
Revision guide - My Revision Notes: Cambridge Technical Level 3 Health and Social Care Paperback – 31 Aug. 2018 by Judith Adams (Author).
Homework and learning outside the classroom
Students are expected to complete forty-five minutes to an hour of independent learning for each timetabled HSC lesson.
Students in the sixth form benefit from strong teaching and high-quality pastoral support.
Students in the sixth form say that they are well supported pastorally and that they feel safe.
…there is now an effective programme of intervention and support for students who are at risk of underachievement.
Student achievement is outstanding. They reach high levels of attainment. Students have high expectations of themselves.
As a result of high-quality teaching and the broader experiences to which they are exposed, students are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage in their education.
The curriculum in the sixth form offers students support in applying to university or moving into employment.
Students identified teaching as the strength of the sixth form. Teachers’ subject knowledge is excellent.
Allerton High School
King Lane, Leeds
West Yorkshire LS17 7AG