The PE curriculum is fun, varied and inclusive. Our aim is to inspire students to feel valued and be physically active both in and away from school.
In Key stage 3, students will be introduced to a variety of sports with a focus on fun and inclusivity in Year 7, tactics in Year 8 and competition in Year 9. In Year 10 there is a greater emphasis on developing confidence through student leadership and in Year 11 we recognise the importance of student welfare with the curriculum becoming more recreational.
The department uses a carousel policy for the activities offered to students in Year 7 – 10. Classes will spend approximately 3 weeks (6 lessons) on a certain sport before moving on. The classes will be set by ability where possible, however due to the logistics of the school timetable, some classes will be mixed ability. The complexity of the content and challenge increases throughout the Key Stages. Students are expected to apply knowledge learnt in previous topics to new contexts.
The key themes present in all core PE schemes of work;
Stage 1. Developing physical and mental capacity
Stage 2. Developing skills/performance
Stage 3: Outwitting an opponent (not applicable to all activities)
Stage 4: Making and applying decisions in a competitive situation
Stage 5: Evaluating and Improving
Stage 6: Making informed choices about healthy, active lifestyle
The key elements of each core PE lesson will include:
Warm up
Lesson Objectives
Main Activity
We pride ourselves on our community connections and welcome City of Leeds Basketball, Yorkshire County Cricket Club and Leeds Rhinos Rugby League who assist with our core PE delivery in Year 7 – 9.
Homework and learning outside of the classroom
To complement the curriculum, the PE department provides opportunities to take part in a number of competitive and recreational sports. Extracurricular clubs include:
Rugby Union
Table Tennis
Cross Country
Students are given access to a number of enrichment activities in PE. These include watching professional sports games and student leadership days. In 2023 the PE department have reintroduced Sports tours.
Leaders know their school well. They work relentlessly to make their school even better. They are highly effective in improving standards of provision.
Teachers have high expectations of what pupils can achieve. There is a strong focus on the development of subject knowledge.
Parents, staff and pupils are overwhelmingly happy with the quality of education at school and rightly so. Inspectors judge that this is an outstanding place to learn.
Pupils show excellent attitudes to learning./ There is a thirst for knowledge and an excitement about lessons.
The curriculum is responsive to pupils’ interests and needs. They way in which it is organised helps to motivate pupils. The structure of the curriculum helps pupils to reach high standards.
Allerton High is a harmonious community. Pupils show high levels of respect towards other pupils and with adults in school. Pupils actively support each other and celebrate differences.
The school’s mission is to ‘enable young people to achieve success’. It does this outstandingly well.
The headteacher is exceptional. Her leadership has transformed the school. Not only do pupils make phenomenal progress and reach high standards...
Allerton High School
King Lane, Leeds
West Yorkshire LS17 7AG