Studying Core Maths is useful for students who wish to continue learning about the real-life application of Maths after GCSE level. It is a one-year level 3 course that will be delivered across 7 lessons per fortnight. Core Maths is useful for those who are interested in university courses or apprenticeships that involve a lot of quantitative data analysis but do not require A Level Mathematics, such as psychology, sports and social science and business-related courses.
The course has been designed to maintain and develop real-life mathematical skills. The course content is not purely theoretical or abstract; it can be applied on a day-to-day basis, whether in work, study or wider life. The course includes a financial mathematics element and can also help with the maths content of other A level subjects, such as the sciences, geography, business studies, economics and psychology.
Students will sit 2 x 90minute exams at the end of the one-year course:
Mathematical Studies 1
Mathematical Studies 2 (Opt A – Statistical Techniques)
How is this course examined?
Paper 1
Analysis of data
Maths for personal finance (tax, national insurance, mortgages, savings, etc)
Paper 2
Critical analysis of data
The normal distribution
Probabilities and estimation
Correlation to regression
Students are required to have the below equipment for every lesson:
Scientific Calculator. We recommend CASIO FX-991EX.
Mini-whiteboard, pen and eraser
To assist with organisation, we recommend that the students also have:
1 x Lever arch file
A minimum of 5 dividers for the above
Students will be set one piece of homework per week, per teacher.
As a result of high-quality teaching and the broader experiences to which they are exposed, students are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage in their education.
Students identified teaching as the strength of the sixth form. Teachers’ subject knowledge is excellent.
Students in the sixth form benefit from strong teaching and high-quality pastoral support.
…there is now an effective programme of intervention and support for students who are at risk of underachievement.
The curriculum in the sixth form offers students support in applying to university or moving into employment.
Student achievement is outstanding. They reach high levels of attainment. Students have high expectations of themselves.
Students in the sixth form say that they are well supported pastorally and that they feel safe.
Allerton High School
King Lane, Leeds
West Yorkshire LS17 7AG