Certificate in Mathematical Studies

Introduction – why choose this subject?

Studying Core Maths is useful for students who wish to continue learning about the real-life application of Maths after GCSE level. It is a one-year level 3 course that will be delivered across 7 lessons per fortnight. Core Maths is useful for those who are interested in university courses or apprenticeships that involve a lot of quantitative data analysis but do not require A Level Mathematics, such as psychology, sports and social science and business-related courses.


The course has been designed to maintain and develop real-life mathematical skills. The course content is not purely theoretical or abstract; it can be applied on a day-to-day basis, whether in work, study or wider life. The course includes a financial mathematics element and can also help with the maths content of other A level subjects, such as the sciences, geography, business studies, economics and psychology.


Students will sit 2 x 90minute exams at the end of the one-year course:

  • Mathematical Studies 1
  • Mathematical Studies 2 (Opt A – Statistical Techniques)

How is this course examined?

Paper 1

Analysis of data

Maths for personal finance (tax, national insurance, mortgages, savings, etc)



Paper 2

Critical analysis of data

The normal distribution

Probabilities and estimation

Correlation to regression


Students are required to have the below equipment for every lesson:

  • Scientific Calculator. We recommend CASIO FX-991EX.
  • Mini-whiteboard, pen and eraser

To assist with organisation, we recommend that the students also have:

  • 1 x Lever arch file
  • A minimum of 5 dividers for the above


Students will be set one piece of homework per week, per teacher.


Learning outside of the classroom

  • Year 12 Maths Drop In
  • UKMT Maths Challenge
  • Maths Inspiration Days/Trips

KS3 Maths

KS4 Maths

KS5 Maths

Allerton High School
King Lane, Leeds
West Yorkshire LS17 7AG
ssat ssat Leading Edge Healthy Schools Ofsted