A Level Further Maths

Introduction – why choose this subject?

The Further Maths course allows students to gain a wider and deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and techniques. It is taken in addition to A Level Mathematics and is recommended for the strongest mathematicians who thoroughly enjoy the subject.


Students will study pure maths, mechanics and decision making. In the Pure topics, students develop their algebraic language with further proofs, series and equations. Decision Mathematics is introduced as a new concept in the Further Mathematics course. This part of the course is an increasingly relevant branch of Mathematics and is particularly of use to those students who wish to study Computer Programming or get involved in strategic decision making.  Algorithms are studied to solve problems including how route planners and Satellite Navigation units work out the most efficient route between two locations. Students will also extend the application of maths with more advanced mechanical modelling, considering the principles of conservation of energy and momentum, as well as analysing what happens in collisions.


  • Pure: Proof, Complex numbers, Matrices, Further algebra and functions, Further calculus, Further vectors, Polar coordinates, Hyperbolic functions, Differential equations
  • Decision: Algorithms and graph theory, Algorithms on graphs, Critical path analysis, Linear programming
  • Further mechanics: Momentum and impulse, Work, energy and power, Elastic springs and elastic energy, Elastic collisions

How is the course examined?

A Level Further Maths is 100% exam based. Students will sit 4 x 1.5hrs exam papers at the end of the two year course as follows:


Year 12 (2024-26)

  • Paper 1 - Core Pure Mathematics 1 (9FM0/01)
  • Paper 2 - Core Pure Mathematics 2 (9FM0/02)
  • Paper 3 – Further Pure Mathematics 1 (9FM0/3A)
  • Paper 4 – Further Mechanics 1 (9FM0/3C)

Year 13 (2023-25)

  • Paper 1 - Core Pure Mathematics 1 (9FM0/01)
  • Paper 2 - Core Pure Mathematics 2 (9FM0/02)
  • Paper 3 – Decision Mathematics 1 (9FM0/3D)
  • Paper 4 – Further Mechanics 1 (9FM0/3C)

All of the four papers are equally weighted and are worth 75 marks each. Calculators can be used in all of the above assessments.


Students are required to have the below equipment for every lesson:

  • Scientific Calculator. We recommend CASIO FX-991EX.
  • Mini-whiteboard, pen and eraser

To assist with organisation, we recommend that the students also have:

  • 1 x Lever arch file
  • A minimum of 5 dividers for the above

Recommended Textbooks:

We strongly advise that where possible, students have their own copy of the below four textbooks for the two-year course. The exam board writes these textbooks and questions from them are used in the majority of lessons:


Pearson Edexcel AS and A level Further Mathematics Core Pure Mathematics Book 1/AS

Pearson Edexcel AS and A level Further Mathematics Core Pure Mathematics Book 2

Pearson Edexcel AS and A level Further Mathematics Decision Mathematics 1

Pearson Edexcel AS and A level Further Mathematics Further Mechanics 1


Students will receive one piece of homework per teacher, per week. It is important to stress that due to the high demands of the AS and A Level Further Maths course, in addition to the above we expect students to complete roughly 1 hour of independent study for every 1 hour that they have in school.


Learning outside the classroom

  • UKMT Maths Challenge
  • Maths Inspiration Days/Trips
  • Year 12 and Year 13 Maths Drop In
  • Year 13 ‘Maths Mondays’

KS3 Maths

KS4 Maths

KS5 Maths

Allerton High School
King Lane, Leeds
West Yorkshire LS17 7AG
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