A Level English Language is widely regarded as an excellent means of developing written and spoken communication skills. With an emphasis on close textual analysis and the production of original writing, the qualification provides evidence that you can read critically, write effectively and respond to the rich variety of the English Language. English has become firmly embedded as the lingua franca of the modern world, A Level English Language gives you the key to unlock and utilise its potential. Students who do well in this subject can progress to careers in journalism, publishing, law, media advertising and education.
How is the course examined?
80% of this course is exam based and 20% is coursework.
Paper 1: 100 marks, 40% of A Level.
Language and the Individual
Study a range of texts from Shakespeare to a twitter feed!
Methods of Language Analysis
Learn how to analyse any text using a set of linguistic tools.
Children’s Language Development
How children acquire language- both speech and writing.
Paper 2: 100 marks, 40% of A Level.
Language Diversity and Change
How the English Language changes according to time, place, mode, purpose and audience and how it continues to develop in the present day.
Language Diversity
Learn about dialects, sociolects, language and gender, language and occupational groups, technology.
Writing Skills.
How to write about language in both an academic form and for a “lay” audience.
Non-exam component: Language in Action
Writing Skills
How to present the investigation material for specific audiences, purposes and genres.
Original Writing- writing to persuade, tell a story or inform a specified audience.
Folder and dividers
Pens and highlighters
Pearson Longman English Language AS & A2 Revision Express (recommended but not essential)
Students will be set two pieces of homework per week, which could be anything from pre-reading tasks to essay preparation and completion. Students will also be expected to read widely around the topics as directed by staff. Tasks and lesson materials are uploaded to Google Classroom at regular intervals so that any students who miss lessons can complete the learning independently. Staff are contactable by email for specific queries.
Learning outside of the classroom
Bar Mock Trial
English Drop in (one compulsory and one voluntary dependent on students’ progress)
Students in the sixth form benefit from strong teaching and high-quality pastoral support.
Students in the sixth form say that they are well supported pastorally and that they feel safe.
The curriculum in the sixth form offers students support in applying to university or moving into employment.
Students identified teaching as the strength of the sixth form. Teachers’ subject knowledge is excellent.
…there is now an effective programme of intervention and support for students who are at risk of underachievement.
Student achievement is outstanding. They reach high levels of attainment. Students have high expectations of themselves.
As a result of high-quality teaching and the broader experiences to which they are exposed, students are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage in their education.
Allerton High School
King Lane, Leeds
West Yorkshire LS17 7AG