A Level Business Studies

Introduction - why choose this subject?

Business is one of the most contemporary subjects available to study and is constantly developing. Everyone has experience of businesses either directly or indirectly as businesses have impacts on our everyday lives.


You will enjoy discussions on business ethics and globalisation and be able to apply your understanding of business topics to a range of contemporary contexts. You will also develop an understanding of the different factors that impact businesses and the way in which they respond to them in an ever-changing environment.


This course develops academic skills in application, analysing and evaluating issues which are valued in a range of higher-level settings. Students who have studied Business at Allerton High have gone onto be successful at university studying in the following areas:

  • Business Management
  • Business and Marketing
  • Biochemistry
  • Economics
  • Economics and Finance
  • Industrial Economics
  • Law
  • Medicine

Several Students have also secured fantastic degree apprenticeships with large organisations such as:

  • HSBC
  • KPMG

How is the course examined?

A Level Business Studies is 100% exam based.


This course is assessed by 3 examinations at the end of Year 13, covering 4 units:

  • Paper 1 (35%)
    • Unit 1: Marketing and People
    • Unit 4: Global Business
  • Paper 2 (35%)
    • Unit 2: Managing Business Activities
  • Paper 3 (30%)
    • Unit 3: Business Decisions and Strategy

Students will cover Theme 1 and Theme 2 in your first year of study and Theme 3 and Theme 4 in your second year of study.


Students are advised to buy the following revision guide/workbook: REVISE Edexcel AS/A level Business Revision Guide & Workbook. ISBN:9781292213217. There is also a calculation practice book: Edexcel A Level Business Calculation Practice Book. ISBN-10:1915417473. Other relevant textbooks are available via VLE Books, which can be accessed for free is accessible using the school website. Students should have a level arch file with cardboard dividers to divide their work into different sections of the specification.


Students will be set exam questions to complete weekly as homework


Learning outside of the classroom

Students have the opportunity to create a business via the LEAP programme.

KS4 Business

KS5 Business

Allerton High School
King Lane, Leeds
West Yorkshire LS17 7AG
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