The target for all students is to achieve 100% attendance and punctuality. The minimum expectation for all students is attendance over the academic year of 97%.
Attendance during one school year
Equivalent days
Equivalent session
Equivalent weeks
Equivalent lessons missed
10 days
20 sessions
2 weeks
50 lessons
19 days
38 sessions
4 weeks
95 lessons
29 days
58 sessions
6 weeks
145 lessons
38 days
72 sessions
8 weeks
190 lessons
48 days
96 sessions
10 weeks
240 lessons
57 days
114 sessions
11 weeks
285 lessons
67 days
134 sessions
13 weeks
335 lessons
If your child misses school on a regular basis they are damaging their furture life choices. In secondary school 19 days absence correlates on average to a grade lower at GCSE in all subjects.
If you need to request permission for your child to be away from school within term time please complete the Exceptional Circumstances Request Form. Once completed please leave with Reception or e-mail to
Leaders know their school well. They work relentlessly to make their school even better. They are highly effective in improving standards of provision.
The curriculum is responsive to pupils’ interests and needs. They way in which it is organised helps to motivate pupils. The structure of the curriculum helps pupils to reach high standards.
Behaviour around the building is orderly and sensible. Within classrooms, behaviour is excellent.
Pupils show excellent attitudes to learning./ There is a thirst for knowledge and an excitement about lessons.
Parents, staff and pupils are overwhelmingly happy with the quality of education at school and rightly so. Inspectors judge that this is an outstanding place to learn.
The school’s mission is to ‘enable young people to achieve success’. It does this outstandingly well.
Allerton High is a harmonious community. Pupils show high levels of respect towards other pupils and with adults in school. Pupils actively support each other and celebrate differences.
The school now has a history of outstanding outcomes for its pupils. Pupils make sustained progress across the curriculum and the standards that they reach are high.
Allerton High School
King Lane, Leeds
West Yorkshire LS17 7AG