Head of Sixth Form's message

The Post-16 team are very proud of our Post-16 students and their wide ranging achievements which reflect the drive and aspiration that we aim to develop in the young people who enrol. Last year, we saw students gaining places on the most competitive courses, including various courses at Oxbridge, Medicine and Dentistry. In recent years we have also seen students choose to study internationally after Sixth Form. We have also recently celebrated students playing for their country in sport, winning prestigious scholarships and gaining amazing work experience placements. In school we also regularly see students embrace a vast array of opportunities to challenge and develop themselves such as the Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award and the Camps International expeditions.

Entry to Post 16 provision is dependent upon students achieving a minimum of five qualifications at Grade 4 or above (or equivalent) including English and Maths, though some courses have higher requirements. All of our courses have specific entry requirements which can be found in the Post 16 handbook. It is important that students check these before selecting their Post 16 courses. Most A level qualifications have entry requirements of a 6 or higher. If students achieve mostly grade 4s and 5s at GCSE, they will be able to access Level 3 courses at Allerton High but it is likely that a vocational programme will suit them better and mean more chance of success.

Our supportive programme and expert guidance is vital in helping our students reach their maximum potential during their Post 16 education. Students will develop a close partnership with their coach, subject teachers and the Post 16 team. Regular coaching sessions assess students’ strengths and areas for development, providing strategies to help them improve. In addition to this annual reports, parent/carer consultation evenings and regular progress reviews strengthen links between teachers and students as well as parent/carers.

After reading our prospectus and the ‘frequently asked questions’ we hope families have an insight into the Post-16 offer at Allerton High. As part of our community, all students will be encouraged to aim high, challenge themselves and fulfil their potential with support every step of the way. We look forward to working with students and their families and hope they will be ready to enjoy the best years of their school life.

Allerton High School
King Lane, Leeds
West Yorkshire LS17 7AG
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